Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pack Rat-literally

We always thought of the term "pack rat" as a person who keeps everything, but we unfortunately found out the true meaning!

I found the little or I mean big critter while weed wiping our lawn a few days ago. After screaming and running up to the house to hide, i decided to wait for the girls to get home from school to help me get him. I knew we needed to catch him because he was not coming into our house!!!!! Korin decided she was going to be brave and went out with a broom to scare him out of his hiding spot and then smack him when he came out. Well she scared him out, but instead of smacking him, she ran faster then I've even seen her run, whipped and broke the broom, and screamed alot!! Courtney and Syd decided to come help but we were unsuccessful.

We did not catch him that night, but when Steve got home the next day and noticed he had built a nest in Courtneys car and chewed through head light wires, he was determined to get him. And when he did see him under the car hood he decided that maybe he was a little bigger then a field mouse.

We set rat traps under the car(which is now named the ratmobile). The first night nothing except eating our peanut butter and not setting off the trap and making us more mad.

The second night, after Steve leaves of course, Korin decides she wants to check the trap before we went to bed. We were very excited to see him caught!! We were so happy that the rat was dead, but then...

We called Steve to tell him he was caught but not dead. He told us we needed to get a hammer and smash his head, but I knew I could never do that! So he said to get a shovel and stick it between his ears and push down, but I knew i could never do that! He told me to be the adult and kill it! With a little support from my 13 year old daughter, i figured we better do it so he doesn't wiggle himself out of the trap.

So we counted to three and smacked him on the head. It was quite stressful!!!

I didn't trust that this monsterous rat was actually dead so decided to cover him up with something heavy and pray he wouldn't get out and die over night.

I decided to wait for my teammates to get home from school the next day to help me get rid of him. It was still so creepy even though we knew he was certainly dead this time. Korin shoveled him up(I held the bag though!) and we threw him away.

My girls think that I need therapy now. It was definately an expirence we'll never forget and probably have nightmares over.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well i havent blogged for awhile so i thought i would. this is a real tragic incident that has recently happened. as some of you may recall in owatonna sydney had a friend named karrisa hilstad and her mom (lisa) was my moms friend. lisa was really really nice to all of us and was happy and lively every time i saw her and we all liked her alot! after we moved we discovered that lisa was diagnosed with breast cancer. it shocked us to hear that and we stayed updated for awhile from my friend alexa whose mom helped out alot with lisa and the kids. we hadnt had much of an update for a long time. until last thursday. i was haveing a really good day after alot of weeks of bad days and i was talking with my new friend brooke who is a softball manager like me when i got a text from alexa. we usually cant text during softball so i didnt answer it right away until practice started and i replyed here is the jist of our convo.
Lexa: :(
Me: whats wrong? (she has alot of guy problems)
Lexa: you remember lisa right?
Me: hilstad?
Lexa: ya
Me: yeah i remember what happened (i kinda had an idea)
Lexa: she passed away last night (april 1, 2009)
i started tearing up a bit and brooke asked what was wrong so i told her and she was shocked. i called mom and told her about it. i was kinda in shock for most of the day cause there were alot of things going on. i went to brookes and went swimming with her but then at night i was laying in my bed thinking that her kids are gunna live the rest of their lives without their mother and karrisa who is 10 or 11 is gunna have to go through all the hard times of growing up without lisa there with her and they are going to have to live with the fact that there mom died and go through all the big moments of their lives without her there to share the memory with them and its just hard to think that shes dead and her kids will have no mom and her husband will have no wife and sence i knew her pretty well its hard to picture her dead and not there anymore.
i was talking to alexa yesterday and we were talking about how we dont think its fair that lisa who was always happy and so nice to everyone had to get breast cancer and die when she takes care of herself and the people around her. she was so full of life and yet she had to die when there are a ton of people in this world who kill themselves everyday because they want to die and dont want to be here anymore. why couldnt god have done this to one of them who wants to die and not to her who is leaving her family and friends and the rest of her life behind? i know i have my moments when i dont treat my mom well and say stuff i dont mean. its times like this when i hear about this stuff happening that i really appreciate my mom cause now travis, bria, and karrisa dont have there mother and she can never come back. i dont know what i would do without my mom nothing would ever be the same. sure they were prepared and knew this eventually was going to happen but im sure it was still a huge shock to them.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Boring Night

So tonight Sydney and Korin are haveing sleepovers. yay...but korins isnt here but id rather have hers here and not sudneys cause they get wild and crazy. so i thought id do some blogging. starting with the cut on my chin..i got teased for this ALOT and dad didnt believe me.
I was over at Allisons house to watch the Super Bowl with her. she invited her friend Brenton (moms boss' kid) and her sister megan was there. we were downstaires and sitting on like the L shaped couches and brenton and allison were sitting on one side and me and megan were sitting on the other side. i was in the middle of allison and megan and allison was trying to get brentons phone. she was pulling it towards me and brenton was pulling it the other way and he let go and it hit me right in the chin and cut it. it sounds really wierd but its true.
So now onto a different story. last night it was late and i was really tired and i turned off the heater turned on my CD that puts me to sleep and i went to go pull back my covers and i screamed. on my bed were 3 little real looking spiders. i took them and went to my moms room and threw them at korin and she started laughin so i was fake hitting her then she was real hitting me and i was real hitting her but i thougt this calls for revenge. so i took the three spiders and put one in her viola case, binder, and taped in the corner of her room. she saw the one in her viola case and laughed not screamed but i think she was lieing to me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hair Cut

all the way up
half up half down

all the way down

So for awhile now ive been wanting to get my hair cut and i thought that i would get bangs sence thats coming back in style i guess. i didnt know if i really wanted bangs cause if it looks bad then what am i gunna do? so i asked all my friends what they said and saome said no and some said yes...real helpful... but my friend allison told me and i should cause it will just grow back again and my cousin alonna said it would look really cute and so did my friend emily so i thought okay how bad can it really look. we went to out usual place and had an hour wait so mom went shopping and me and korin went to the book store and earthbound and tried on masks haha... well we had about 5 minutes so we went and waited in the cutting place and i felt sick and like i was gunna faint i was so nervous it was bad! well when i was sitting down in the chair it was worse and i was sweating alot!!

When she first cut them i was like oh my gosh what was i thinking?! and mom and korin said they could tell i didnt like it so i guess im not that good of an actor. ha like i ever thought i was hahahahaha but anyways after she took the plastic thing off and i messed with it a bit it looked better but i still dont know for sure how i feel about it lol but it will prolly grow on me. we were gunna get korins hair done too but we didnt have enough time before we had to get sydney and drop korin off for babysitting but shes gunna a different day!
By the way if you think my chin looks wierd like theres a cut on it your not imagining it its acctually there...ask at your own risk...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sunday the Day of Rest?

Last Sunday when me, mom and my sisters got home from church i looked at my phone. i saw that i had a text message from my friend allison. it said are you home from church yet and it was kinda funny cause she sent it at 10:30 which is when our church starts. so i said i am now and she called but i had my phone on silent so she called my house phone. she asked if i wanted to go to manhattan with her and her 17 year old senior sister. there mommy would not be attending and still my mommy said i could go even megan(allisons sister) thought that was pretty amazing but mom likes their family. megan picked me up at around 12:30 an hour after we got home from church but allison was not there cause she wasnt ready.

After we picked up allison we were on the road. megan is going to k-state next year which is in mahattan so we drove around the campus a bit and it looks really cool. we didnt really know our way around town so we got a little lost a couple times. we went to the mall for a while and drove around the town for another while then we stopped at Chipotle and ate the stopped at Cold Stone for amazing ice cream! we had to go back so we could be back in town by seven cause mom wouldnt let me skip cyo to spend quality time with my best friend.

So we got back at seven and they dropped me off at my church. i got there and we talked about upcoming stuff thats happening which i got tricked into working at this carnival thing and sence i AM FOR SURE going to NCYC in kansas city in november with 5 other people in my group outa alot. so i had to give him $90 that was burning a hole in my pocket at american eagle, hollister, and aero all day long. after we talked we did trust exercises...we fell backwards off a chair that was on the table and the other people in our group had to catch us. it was pretty scary i do have to say knowing some people in my group but i acctually did it and it was pretty fun! so i got home sometime after 8:30 and went right to bed!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sydney's 1st meet

I had a lot of fun at my first meet! I did floor first and was really nervous but when I got up there it wasn't nerve racking at all. The judge was not hard on you, you just had to memorize your routine and stay insinc with the song. I did vault next. Now I knew that it's not that nerve racking so I was pretty calm. Since I was with group B, I was able to practice on a different vault until it was my turn. I was first to practice in my line, but what I didn't know was the mat was a hard rock! So when I did my hand stand flat back, it made my back sting really bad! Then I did bars. Again I was able to practice before I went on. When I did my dismount, I had too much power so I didn't stick my landing right. But it turned out ok on my performance. Lastly I did beam. When I practiced, I fell off twice which equals a one point deduction. But when I it was my turn I didn't fall off at all!!

It was time to do my awards and I was put into a group with 11 other girls so there were 11 places. I didn't think I would do so well on some of the events but I got 3rd on vault, 2nd on bars, 1st on floor, and 1st on beam. I was really really happy with this. It was a lot of fun! And at last they added up all your points and call it all-around and the first place person gets a globe with a gymnast in it and the rest gets trophies and I got first so I got the globe. We get a goodie bag for coming to the meet and I got a pair of slippers that were way to small so I told Bev and she went to see if they had a bigger pair. But they were out of my size so Bev brought me a pair that will probably fit me when I'm 60! I had a lot of fun and I can't wait until my next meet.